Environmental and Socio-economic Datasets
Here you will find useful links for locating spatial data and information available through Internet servers or GIS data clearinghouses.
NCAR Climate Data as KML
The Community Climate System Model (CCSM) was developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for the 4th Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These model outputs are available for download as KML files.
Weather Forecast data
UNIDATA has many model, radar, and station datasets available through their THREDDS data server
Geospatial data.gov
Data.govportal provides access to data around the world. Data varies from resource management datasets to transportation datasets.
NOAA Satellite and Information Service
The NOAA Satellite and Information Service website provides the following datasets:
- Fire,
- Imagery,
- Precipitation,
- Snow and Ice,
- Tropical Products,
- Volcano, and
- Winds
NCGIA Public Domain Datasets
The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis have compiled useful datasets:
- Global Demographic and
- Snow's Cholera Map
Land Cover / Land Use Datasets
Global 2000 Landcover
Developed in collaboration with over 30 research teams. This dataset was chosen as the dataset for the Millenium Ecosystems Assessment.
World Wildlife Fund
Provides datasets that they have created and/or improved, such as:
- Terrestrial Ecoregions
- Global lakes and wetlands database
The Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)
Distributes many different types of land use / land cover datasets such as:
- Major Crops
- Historical Croplands
- Global Potential Vegetation Dataset
- LBA Hydra Dataset
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dataset
Fire Mapping
Displays active fires by MODIS Rapid Response System.