Exploring Extreme Heat Risks through Geospatial Storytelling

GIS Workshop

Heat City
Jun. 25 to Jun. 26, 2025

8:00 am – 5:00 pm MDT

NSF NCAR Boulder, Colorado
Main content

Extreme heat presents a serious threat to many communities in the United States. Reducing and managing heat risks is challenging due to the complex relationships among the physical, social, and behavioral dimensions of the hazard, dynamic population exposure, and vulnerability. Communicating risks of extreme heat is also challenging due to varying risk perceptions and the invisible nature of heat hazard.

This workshop, organized by NSF NCAR GIS Program will explore the role of geospatial technologies, geovisualization, and geospatial storytelling in understanding and communicating heat risks. The workshop will include lectures, thematic presentations, panel discussions, GIS hands-on exercises, and networking opportunities for the participants.

The workshop instructors will cover topics of heat risks and responses, science communication, and data visualization. The participants will learn how to use Esri GIS tools for research and science communication, including ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Graduate students and postdocs interested in heat-related scientific and societal challenges and GIS applications are encouraged to apply. Space is limited. Selected workshop participants will receive travel support and per diem.

Applications are due May 1, 2025

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF BCS Award #2314912)


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Olga Wilhelmi

GIS Program Head and Project Scientist

