Agriculture in a Changing Climate Across Scales
Day 1 - Presentations
Welcome - Lawrence Buja, NCAR and Margaret Walsh, USDA Climate Change Program Office
20th and 21st Century Climate Change: Climate Modeling, Societal Impacts, and Environmental Justice - Warren Washington, NCAR
CROP modeling in the Community Land Model – Samuel Levis, NCAR
Climate Change and Food Security - An Overview - Margaret Walsh, USDA Climate Change Program Office
Climate trends and global crop yields – Claudia Tebaldi, NCAR
Day 2 - Presentations
Climate Science for Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities of using Climate Model Projections – Caspar Ammann, NCAR
Climate impacts on ranching, farming and natural resources in the Northern Plains – Justin Derner, USDA Northern Plains Regional Climate Hub
Drought Risk and Adaptation in the Interior (DRAI) – A social-ecological systems approach to understanding drought impacts, vulnerabilities, and responses – Shannon McNeeley, North Central Climate Science Center, Colorado State University
Opportunities for collaboration – Lawrence Buja, NCAR
Opportunities for collaboration – Margaret Walsh, USDA
Day 3 - Presentations
Agricultural Decision Making under Climate Uncertainty – William Travis, Geography Department, University of Colorado, Boulder
Seasonal Climate Forecasts in the U.S. - Past, Present, and Future – Klaus Wolter, University of Colorado- CIRES, NOAA-ESRL
Regional Climate Model Development For Agricultural Applications: A Land Surface Modeling Perspective – Michael Barlage, NCAR
Internship and research opportunities at UCAR – Rebecca Haacker-Santos, SOARS
Day 4 - Presentations
Advanced weather prediction capabilities and precision agriculture - William Mahoney, NCAR
Sustainable agriculture – Peter Backlund, Colorado State University