Actionable weather and climate-related research, education and decision-making largely depend on the usability of the Earth System science outputs and data accessibility.
To address this need, we build tools and applications that make atmospheric data interoperable with geospatial data and information systems. We develop workflows that transform raw weather and climate model outputs to clear informational displays for researchers, educators, and practitioners. We use best practices and international standards in spatial data interoperability, metadata conventions, and data storage and management. Our user-centered approach coupled with the state-of-the-art geospatial science and technology, delivers actionable information using map and data services, tailored to the needs of the user communities. This work has been made possible through our collaborations with university community and Unidata as well as our strategic partnerships with Esri and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). One of notable outcomes of these collaborations is the adoption of NetCDF CF as an encoding standard for OGC as well as a readable data format within ArcGIS platform, allowing for an increased access and sharing of multidimensional scientific data. Our current work focuses on access and dissemination of weather and climate data in the cloud through scalable functions to produce actionable information.
Jennifer Boehnert’s presentation at the 2019 Esri Ocean and Atmospheric GIS Forum focuses on interoperability between atmospheric data and tools and GIS in the context of wildfire. NCAR is working with the State of Colorado to model fire behavior to give greater situational awareness to the firefighters in the field. In this presentation, Jennifer describes how they are using Esri GIS tools to publish real-time weather forecasts and fire behavior model outputs.
Copyright University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)